
Betcha can't guess where we're going

Peanut: Hey, Mom. In Puerto Rico, they have lots of Coquis. That means frog.
Me: They do?
Peanut: Mmhmm. And they also have these fancy masks that they use to go Trick or Treating every night.
Me: Um, really?
Peanut: Yep.
Me: How do you know so much about Puerto Rico?
Peanut: Spanish class.
Me: Huh. You learned all that in Spanish class?
Peanut: Yep.
Moon: You did not. You're just making that up. You don't really know about Puerto Rico.
Me: Moon, you don't know that. He has Spanish class. You don't know what he's learned.
Moon: Mom, he's just making that stuff up.
Me: Stop it. You don't know that. If he says he learned about Puerto Rico, I believe him.
Peanut: Hey, Mom. Can we go bowling or something?
Me: You want to go bowling in Puerto Rico?
Peanut: Mmhmm. Because in Puerto Rico they bowl with coconuts.

1 comment:

Keyona said...

Ok so the bowling part MIGHT be made up. Maybe.